the ultimate travel companion

For all your adventures

Our easy-to-use app offers a comprehensive listing of curated tours, activities, and experiences, all in one place. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure or seeking a more relaxed getaway, Maxtoria has got you covered.


Comprehensive Reviews

Browse through honest and detailed reviews from other travelers to help you make informed decisions about your next adventure.

Gain firsthand insights and perspectives shared by individuals who've experienced our offerings, guiding you towards your next memorable journey with confidence.


Pay On Date

With our 'Pay On Date' feature, planning your adventure is hassle-free. Secure your booking now and enjoy the convenience of paying on the date of your tour.

We prioritize your comfort and ease, making your experience with us seamless from reservation to exploration."

Easy Search

Find the perfect tour, activity or experience

  • Search by destination, activity, or experience
  • Filter search results by interest or location
  • Search by activity, tour, or experience type
  • Browse popular destinations or trending activities
  • Narrow down options with pricing and rating filters

Detailed Itineraries

Get detailed information

  • Complete summary of tour/activity details
  • Timings, locations, and meeting points provided
  • Highlights of what to expect included
  • In-depth descriptions of each itinerary item
  • Additional informations

Real-time Updates

Receive real-time updates on tour schedules, meeting points, and any changes to your itinerary, ensuring that you never miss out on anything.Receive real-time updates on tour schedules, meeting points, and any changes to your itinerary, ensuring that you never miss out on anything.

Easy Cancellation

In case of any unforeseen circumstances

Maxtoria offers a simple and hassle-free cancellation policy, so you can cancel your bookings without any worries.

In-app Communication

Stay in touch with your tour guides

and fellow travelers via in-app messaging, making coordination and communication easy.

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In order to make purchases and get premium support on this platform, you need to verify your account.

Please provide a valid phone number and hit the button. A code will be sent to your Whatsapp account

We won't be asking this you again, and this information will not be shared with any other parties.

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